Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Oh how I LOVE Halloween.  Such a fun time for the kiddos to dress up and play make believe in public.  We did a short trick or treat trip in our neighborhood. (6 houses) The kids get tons of candy as they are the only trick or treaters in the neighborhood, so the neighbors typically give them the whole bag of candy.  Works out well for me because I don't have to endure 3 hours of trick or treating in a large neighborhood to end up with the same amount of candy.  We have kind neighbors and are very lucky to be spoiled by them.  Noah was not feeling well as he has been running a fever for the last 4 days  and Jenna was exhausted as she missed her nap due to celebrating with Noah's kindergarten class.  After trick or treating, my parents, mother-in-law and neighborhood friends joined us for pizza, cider and doughnuts. So fun!

The children listening to a story at Noah's school party 

Noah is such an amazing big brother.  He held Colton's hand during the costume parade and snuggled his May during story time.  Such a wonderful little boy.

My little lady bug.


I find it so fitting that both boys selected costumes that represent what they want to be when they grow up.

Crazy kids.

Love the butt on her costume 

Sleepy girl enjoying her bottle while trick or treating 

Daddy and the kids and of course, Clyde has to be in the picture. 

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