Thursday, January 19, 2012

Seize the day

There is a pretty fantastic article I have seen in multiple places today that has got me thinking.  It is called "Don't Carpe Diem" you can read the article here
I often feel like I miss the boat on my Carpe Diem moments.  I know how absolutely true it is that our lives pass by quicker than a blink of an eye.  I think it was only yesterday that I was bringing Kyle home from the hospital.  He will be 13 next month.  Yikes!  Now my May will be 1 next month, Colton starts young five's in the fall and Noah will be in 5 day a week school.  With this knowledge of the reality of my children growing and moving forward with their lives I am always "trying" (used losely) to soak up every second of motherhood.  Many days I fail miserably.  The daily chores consume me, the kids push to many buttons and the constant lack of sleep turn me into a zombie of ritual.  Than, all at once some random moment will stop me in my tracks and snap me back into my Diem. Oh how I love those little things.
Jenna giggling
Noah calling Jenna "Sweetness" in the most tender voice I have ever heard
Colton telling me he loves me "more than a hot dog" at a moment when I really need to hear it
Kyle sharing a special moment of his day with me
John snagging a hug as he passes me in the kitchen
I have many heart stealing moments every day.  Moments that I know are  precious and should be cherished because they too will pass quicker than I can imagine. I might "miss the boat" more than I care to admit, but I am graciously embracing my blessings.  I thank God for little "big" moments that he sends to remind me to Carpe Diem.  

I love to watch her explore the world around her 

She is always so curious what her brothers are doing 

She is trying to learn to stand 

What's not to love?

A million baby toys and she plays with the hot wheel car

Finally a doll buggy in the house and what does it get used for?  To transport weapons of course!

Colton is so sweet, sharing his popsicle 

Yeah!  Her hair is long enough for a pony!

Jenna's 1st Oreo cookie 

I have to go looking for her now 

Mr. Hollywood himself.  Half cry, half laugh 

Playing Wipeout in the kitchen 

So computer savvy.  Think he reads my blog?

She loves my scarf.  Not sure if she loves it so much because it is mine or because it is soft  

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