Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Dear Jenna at 12 Months

Today you are one.  Last year at this time I was snuggling you while admiring every perfect inch of your body.  We were bonding and falling in love.  You stole my heart with your first breath and continue to do so a million times every day.  I am so blessed to be your mother.  I am so honored and grateful to God for choosing and trusting me to raise you.  You have changed my life, stole my heart and filled my days with happiness.  I love you Jenna and wish you the happiest 1st birthday.

At 1 year:
Still does not sleep all night and have not since birth
Take 2 naps a day
Still nurses
Loves sandwich meat, grapes, hot dogs, and snack food
Is struggling with and on going ear infection
Can pull your self up
Weighs 22 pounds
Wears 18-24 month cloths
Crawls fast all over the house
Puts EVERYTHING in your mouth
Waves and says bye bye
Can say Mama, Dada, Pa-pa, Maama(grandma) Clyde, Bird, KyKy(kyle), Ah(noah)
Blows kisses and signs for more and all done
Loves to go bye bye

Only a few hours old.  I could not get over how beautiful you were.

Taken on your 1st birthday.
You are so beautiful 

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